硅化木-宝玉石观赏石- 内蒙古自然博物馆
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名  称:硅化木

成  因:硅化木又称木化石、树化玉,是地质历史时期被埋藏于地下的古乔木,经硅化作用形成,但保存其外部形态与内部结构。中生代陆相地层中的硅化木以松柏类为主,新生代地层中的硅化木则以被子植物为主。具有研究古环境及古植物的价值。

层  位:下白垩统大磨拐河组


Name:Silicified Wood

Genesis:Silicified wood is also called wood fossil or tree jade, which was formed by silicification of buried trees in geological history, which keeps the original textures of woods. The silicified wood in Mesozoic nonmarine sediments are mostly pine and cypress, whereas the Cenozoic sediments host mostly silicified angiosperm, there for significant for paleoenvironment and plant study.

Stratigraphy:Damoguaihe Formation, the lower Cretaceous

Sample site:Huolinhe coal mine, Inner Mongolia.

[上一篇]: 墨玉
[下一篇]: 木纹石
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